Chinese flagship OnePlus we certainly don't have to introduce you anymore. It is one of the most powerful smartphones in the world and, according to the ranking of some testing services, it is a unit.
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In addition to a quality processor or RAM memory, he also received proper photographic equipment. But a special one also got among the rear main sensors Color filter video camera. She is very strange and no one really understood its meaning.
Its quality is very low. It has only 5 MPx and we don't even know the other parameters. The output is photos that could be achieved with an ordinary filter. Over time, however, he discovered new possibilities.
Color Filter sensor aka X-ray
Some weeks after the introduction of this flagship, someone noticed that the Color Filter sensor could see through certain materialslike plastic or clothes and display what's under them.
Later, many smartphone owners and fans found out, and information circulated all over the Internet. And precisely because of the ability to see under clothes, OnePlus decided to temporarily download this feature.
There has been talk of invasion of privacy, because anyone can buy a smartphone. After all, walking down the street with a cell phone and look under clothes people is not completely kosher.
Video with demonstrations of what Color Filter can do
The Color Filter sensor is able to see especially under materials that do not have infrared protection. For example, it is a driver for a TV, but an Apple TV also appeared in the videos.
Does it make sense at all?
A lot of people were thinking about this question when the OnePlus 8 Pro was introduced. What makes the 5 MPx weird sensor in the 800 € smartphone? After all, such an effect can be achieved with an ordinary filter.
The Chinese giant apparently just wanted to bring something new and unique to their flagship to stand out and stand out. However, they must have been aware of his possibilities, which would also indicate why they did not talk about him so much.
Conscious hiding of function
It was even very difficult to get to it at all in the camera application. The Color Filter sensor was located there under the name Photochrom and was part of the filters, so it did not appear there as a separate sensor. Was it some kind of camouflage from OnePlus?
They may have encountered its capabilities during development, but it was too late to change the phone's hardware. In any case, we rate this step by OnePlus as not very well thought out, and next time it would probably be worthwhile to stick with standard solutions.
Mainly it is far from X-ray which is behind UV on the opposite side of the spectrum as IR about which is mainly the camera.
In addition, IR cameras are nothing new and without / an SLR camera with such a thing that makes it XY times more capable with the possibility of telephoto lenses, etc. and there was no problem.
Just like with photos and 100x zoom on mobile phones on every corner, it depends on the people.
With IR, you can capture the most faint shadow, only if you carry garbage bags on your bare body.
Remember that every mobile phone can be converted to IR sensitivity with youtube instructions. Also 108mp from xiaomi.