HiBREW H2B is the cheapest so far: The mini coffee maker prepares coffee from Nespresso and Dolce Gusta capsules, but also from ground coffee | China Planet
Coffee makers

HiBREW H2B is the cheapest to date: the mini coffee machine prepares coffee from Nespresso and Dolce Gusta capsules, but also from ground coffee

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I can only recommend this coffee maker! I myself use it mainly in combination with ESE pods, i.e. ground coffee in pods. I also tried DG, Nesspresso and ground coffee. I don't like ground as beautifully foamed as ESE, but it's still good. Silent operation, elegant design with compact dimensions decided my choice.


Is there any offer for Hebrew h1b?


We did not find the H1B model on sale, there is only the H1A, without a coupon, it has a fairly good price na Geekbuyingu.


Excellent coffee maker, I've had it for about a year now and I use it exclusively with ESE coffee pods, i.e. ground coffee in compostable pods. Almost unused ecological capsule solution in our country. The coffee has an incredibly creamy consistency, like from a coffee shop. For lovers of Dolce Gusto coffees, the coffee machine has the possibility to change the amount of water exactly as on the original.