Engwe Engine Pro Test: The Best Electric Fatbike on the Market [COUPONS]
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Latest Coupons: Engwe Engine Pro is a tank among "fatbikes" with branded components, 50 km/h and a range of 60 km

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750W motor and 50km are not allowed in the EU or the Slovak Republic. Absolutely unsuitable product and even a weak battery, I wonder how I will serve in China.


750 w motor is indicated by the bicycle manufacturer and it is called a business tactic, the motor, like any other, in reality has only 250 w, it is as weak as tea and a bunch of other advertising nonsense about the speed and range of those tea batteries that do not show performance in watt-hours but in ampere-hours for 15 minutes in the electric mode for full performance, this weighs over 40 kg of a real tank compared to normal ebikes weighing 20-23 kg, it kills the battery and God forbid something goes wrong with it, you can't buy any spare parts anywhere and you can throw the junk away


We see that you are a well-founded expert. Have you tried this bike at all? We tested it and it certainly does not have a 250 W motor. A seller who sells his models worldwide could not afford to mislead customers. The Engine Pro has really high-quality components and is among the best of the bikes we have tried. You can order some spare parts directly from their website, but you should also check that before you start writing hate speech without knowledge. And in case of failure of a specific part, the seller will send them directly to you, so he sent us the torque sensor.


Where did you come up with these delusions? A friend has the cheaper model and is extremely satisfied. The only thing I'm worried about is the post-warranty service, otherwise it drives perfectly, I tried it.


The same applies to you as to Mr. Peter

Peter Pan

on people like you, this song sits like an ass on a sable... all the way to God, Mr. Nemec was a great person.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WT85ktGz22s haters, haters, no one believes you... haters, haters, no one believes you, no one really knows .. otherwise, you are a real person, has someone told you that to your face? try to buy it first and then open your lips..


Brother, sit down, try, check and then complain ok??? 😉 Maybe a love for life

Peter Pan

will you also offer its successor, a newer improved model, will there be a coupon? https://www.banggood.com/custlink/D3GV707uEI


We already have a nice coupon on the website 🙂 https://chinaplanet.sk/engwe-engine-pro-2-0/