Recommended by our fan: This smart Wi-Fi doorbell does not even cost 20 € and has night vision, a microphone with a speaker and a mobile application | China Planet
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Recommended by our fan: This smart Wi-Fi doorbell does not even cost 20 € and has night vision, a microphone with a speaker and a mobile application

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Just that it is not for external use.


I also bought it after your recommendation and it's not worth a penny. The battery will last for two weeks, and only one person will use it during that time. Others prefer to knock anyway. I'm not even talking about the fact that it needs to be paired again after every charge, even without it being completely discharged. Of course, then it doesn't work for anyone else it was shared with, so you have to do it all over again with everyone. His response breaks records every time. The last time it was almost two hours after the bell rang.