LUKO A011D1-7K is a multifunctional mobile air conditioner China Planet

Unbelievable price only 125 € on AliExpress: LUKO A011D1-7K works as a dehumidifier in winter and as an air conditioner in summer

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and what kind of window insulation is needed for this air conditioner, there are two that you have in the line from alik 300cm and 400cm, so which of the two? we have two-leaf opening plastic windows like this classic.. is it necessary to measure the height of the window? The height of the window that I measured at my place is about 110 cm and the width of the window sash is about 50 cm.. what about that? or according to what is it bought?


It's like adhesive window screen, it's customizable.


ok, I know that, only I needed to know, there are 300 and 400 options to choose from, what is it? which one to order... is it ordered for the entire width or height of the window? what size is it?
but I'll probably take the bigger 400 as a reserve..

Last edited 6 months ago by peterpan88

It is a measurement in centimeters, length. There are also reviews, it will be quite long for the balcony door.

Peter Pan

I can take one or the other on the wing window, does it matter?


Yes, it should be enough with a length of 4 m.