If you are looking compact battery compressor, which combines sufficient quality, high performance and at the same time an affordable price, so this model is the ideal choice for you.
Great availability directly in the EU warehouse!
Currently, you can buy it most advantageously from a verified seller on the AliExpress marketplace in the EU warehouse. The advantage is fast delivery within the range 4-11 working days, you won't have to deal with any customs fees either. It is also available in the Chinese warehouse with a slightly longer delivery time.
Mini electric compressor
Express delivery from a Spanish warehouse free of duty and VAT.
This product will be delivered to you expressly from your local Spanish warehouse. Delivery from Spain usually takes 7-10 days and is delivered by courier. You do not pay any extra fees, no customs duties or VAT on delivery.
15-day delivery via Aliexpress Standard Shipping
Aliexpress Standard Shipping is available for this product with guaranteed delivery within 15 days. It is the most convenient way of delivery, which takes place without customs fees and in most cases is delivered by a courier company. 15-day delivery we actually tested it.
Electric compressor with 150 psi pressure
Its compact body hides a clear digital display, which displays the measured values as well as all the necessary information. The compressor offers power 70 W, thanks to which it reaches the maximum level of pressure up to 150 PSI.
It is available four modes for inflating balls, tires of bicycles, motorbikes or cars. There is also an illumination LED, built-in 2000 mAh battery also automatic stop when the preset value is reached.
In terms of its price, this is definitely an unrivaled electric compressor.
Please can also be used to inflate a paddleboard with the appropriate valve. Thank you
Definitely not, a more powerful compressor with higher pressure is needed for a paddleboard. They must be powered, for example, via 12 V from the car.
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Excellent thing. I have it at home.