The Easine ILIFE G80 has a suction power of 22 Pa and a great price | China Planet
Rod vacuum cleaners

For an even lower 63 € in EU stock: The Easine ILIFE G80 vacuum cleaner has a unique side brush, a suction power of 22 Pa and an LED dust sensor

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I don't want to hate this product, but I personally find it extremely weak. Performance and endurance. Our generation, which is used to the vacuum cleaner calmly swallowing even your sock, cannot be excited when it struggles with an ordinary paper clip or spilled rice at maximum performance. It is ideal for dust, the side brush also sometimes takes in the edges, but I would really recommend it only for one-room apartments, where there are only dust particles on the floor and no fallen artifacts of larger dimensions. And I have no idea how difficult it will be to clean. Spare parts are astronomically expensive, so it will probably be a one-time product in my case. Maybe it's not a fault, but a PROPERTY of aku vacuum cleaners, that their durability/performance ratio is so disastrous, but I already know that for primary vacuuming I'll stay loyal to the classic "plug-in" vacuum cleaner.


I don't know, I have a viomi a9 which also has 22000 pa for 5 years and I can't say a bad word. The only thing I have a problem with is the bigger stones that the kids bring home in their shoes. They suck them up and can't get them through the oven into the collection container. Otherwise, I would not change it because of this, and the next one will be just such a stick vacuum cleaner. I have no problem with it even with vacuum bags for clothes

Peter Pan

buy H10 flex from Xiaomi Jimmy and change your mind.. completely different level, I had a predecessor JV85 pro and it vacuumed like the cable electrolux we had at home, maybe even better
of course Jimmy what kind of vacuum cleaners are there at completely different prices (3 to 4 times higher) than this one, sorry, total hoono .. performance at the level of dysons but at more than half the price

Last edited 1 month ago by PeterPan