Updated prices for EU warehouses: Burchda U8 can carry a lot of cargo, has a brutal range of 200 km, a load capacity of up to 200 kg and thick 20" wheels | China Planet
Electric bicycles

Updated prices for EU warehouses: Burchda U8 can carry a lot of cargo, has a brutal range of 200 km, a load capacity of up to 200 kg and thick 20″ wheels

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Miroslav Cingel

Yes, but he could have vibavu at the solar plant
I will probably do the topping up while driving here myself, but I would prefer a professional spray solution with practical topping up for the range even in case of needing to increase the range. Since it can carry 200 kg, definitely
non-stop solar panel with the latest flexible gain. Option to purchase.


It's nice that you offer a wonderful bike, the worse is that if it breaks down, which happened to me, you have no chance to get to the service. The bike is not even a year old and does not work.