One of the best prices in CZ warehouse: N-One NPad X1 has Full HD Netflix, Android 13, 8 GB + 128 GB of memory and a beautiful 11" 2K display | China Planet

One of the best prices in CZ warehouse: N-One NPad X1 has Full HD Netflix, Android 13, 8 GB + 128 GB of memory and a beautiful 11″ 2K display

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pissed off

ordered on 04.02.2024/XNUMX/XNUMX from CZ warehouse via banggood, still not sent... resolved twice through support, the date of dispatch keeps moving, asked for a refund...


In this case, you can contact us, we would certainly be able to help you in some way. On Facebook or email.


It's only 6.2 though.


I placed and paid for the order on January 29.1.2025, 5, where it was said to be delivered within XNUMX working days, and until today it had not even been shipped from the CZ warehouse.
Can you advise?
They wrote to me that they still haven't received the payment, but I don't think they've received the payment within a week. I've already checked.
Order number 115039012
Thanks for your help.