If you need to mute notification soundsbut you don't want to dim it call sounds on Xiaomi smartphones, today's editorial guide will help you. The procedure is really simple and can be done by really any user. Just follow the menu carefully in the settings of your Xiaomi smartphone.
Instructions: How to mute notification sounds, but not calls
Even though the MIUI system allows us to silence notifications, sometimes you want to hear at least incoming calls. It is with this exception that the new "Do Not Disturb" mode comes with the possibility of customization. In the editorial office, we tested this possibility on the MIUI 12 version.
This mode can be activated and, as the name suggests, you will not be disturbed by various notifications, whether you are in a meeting or need to concentrate. All notifications are silenced except for certain incoming calls, which you can customize. This will keep you informed of important events from your important phone numbers.
Extensive customization and scheduling options from Xiaomi
After activating the "Do not disturb" mode (via a shortcut or in the smartphone settings), it is necessary to go to the smartphone settings. The Sounds and Vibrations item also includes the aforementioned Do Not Disturb Mode option. It is in this section that new customization options for this mode will appear.
The options include, for example, allowing incoming calls from anyone or only from your contacts or only from your starred contacts. It is also possible to enable the sound for repeated calls within 15 minutes.
He will also be pleased to be able to plan this scheme, which can be useful, for example, at school for teaching or at regular business meetings. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that even in this mode, alarms are active, ie alarms that you have set separately.
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